Does Chocolate Go Bad?

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Chocolate fans have been curious for ages about this captivating mystery.

The answer is yes, chocolate does go bad.

However, it takes a long time for chocolate to spoil and it is still safe to eat for months after the expiration date.


What causes chocolate to go bad?

Chocolate begins to go bad when it loses its flavor or becomes stale.

This happens because of two main reasons: moisture loss (moisture content) and microbial growth.

Chocolate’s high sugar content means that it is highly susceptible to moisture loss.

Moisture loss is caused by exposure to air, which allows oxygen to penetrate into the cocoa bean, causing oxidation and eventually making it less tasty.

Microbial growth is also a major cause of chocolate going bad.

Microbes in the environment are able to reproduce rapidly, and they feed on the sugars in chocolate.

When this happens, the chocolate turns rancid and starts to smell bad.

If there is no way to prevent these microbes from growing, then you will end up with some pretty awful-smelling chocolate.

The good news is that both of these processes can be slowed down by storing your chocolate properly.

Read on to find out how!


How can you tell if chocolate has gone bad?

Chocolate is an acidic food product and as such, it will lose its flavor over time.

When this happens, it becomes more susceptible to bacteria growth.

This is why you should not buy chocolates that are past their best by dates or use them in recipes that require fresh ingredients.

In addition, some types of chocolate may be prone to mold growth when stored improperly.

But just because chocolate goes bad doesn’t mean that it’s unsafe to consume.

It just means that you need to take extra care when storing and using it.

If you follow these tips, you can keep your chocolate from going bad.

How long does chocolate last before it goes bad?

Chocolate contains both fats and sugars which make it very prone to spoiling.

As soon as you open a bar of chocolate, the fats in the chocolate begin to break down and give off odors.

These odors are the result of bacteria breaking down the fats into components called free fatty acids (FFA).

FFA are known to be toxic to humans when they reach high enough concentrations.

Although this process happens quickly, the shelf life of chocolate depends on how well-wrapped it was when it left the factory.

When you buy chocolate, your package should contain instructions on how to store it properly.

If you do not follow these instructions or do not read them carefully, you may end up with moldy chocolate.

Mold is one of the most common signs of spoiled chocolate.

When you see mold growing on your chocolate, you must throw it out immediately.

The length of time it takes for chocolate to go bad is also dependent upon the type of chocolate that you bought.

Some types of chocolate will spoil more quickly than others.

For example, milk chocolate is much more likely to go bad sooner than dark chocolate.

Dark chocolate requires longer storage times because it is higher in cocoa butter content.

Cocoa butter is an emulsifier that helps prevent fat from separating from the rest of the chocolate.

On the other hand, milk chocolate has less cocoa butter so it is more susceptible to separation and rancidity.

If you want to find out how long a particular chocolate will last, there are several factors that need to be considered.

First, you need to know what kind of chocolate you bought.

Next, you need to determine whether or not it came in its original packaging.

Finally, you need to calculate how old the chocolate actually is by using the expiration date printed on the wrapper.

Let’s look at each factor separately.

  • White chocolate is even worse.
  • Many people assume that white chocolate is made from milk but it is not.
  • Instead, it is made from cocoa butter and sugar.
  • Because of this, white chocolate is extremely sensitive to heat and humidity.
  • It is best stored in the refrigerator instead of the freezer so that it does not melt.
  • Chocolate manufacturers often print expiration dates on their wrappers so that consumers can use this information to decide when to discard the product.
  • Sometimes the wrapper itself will say “keeps fresh” or “best used within x days.”
  • For example, if you opened a new box of milk chocolate on January 1st and the box says that it expires on February 2nd, then the actual age of the chocolate is one month.
  • If the chocolate was purchased on July 3rd, then the actual age is almost two months.

What are the consequences of eating bad chocolate?

Chocolate can be delicious, but if you buy something that looks like it has gone off then you may not want to eat it.

Whether you’re buying chocolate at the grocery store or making your own, there are many things that can cause chocolate to go bad.

  • It’s best to keep chocolate in a cool place between 32-50 degrees Fahrenheit (0-10 degrees Celsius).
  • If this isn’t possible, wrap it in plastic wrap or foil and put it in the refrigerator.
  • But don’t leave it there too long as the cold temperatures will also destroy its flavor.
  • Store your chocolate in a dark cupboard or drawer to protect it from light.
  • If you find that your chocolate is drying out, try storing it in an airtight container with a piece of parchment paper in between.
  • Or, if you prefer, you can freeze it instead of refrigerating it.
  • Just make sure to remove the frozen chocolate from the freezer before opening it so that it doesn’t melt.
  • Throw it out immediately!
  • You should throw it out immediately!
  • If you see any discoloration on your chocolate, do not consume it!
  • Sour chocolate is often hard and chewy, but it can also taste sour or metallic.
  • If this happens to you, toss it out!
  • If the flavor is very strong, you may need to throw it out.
  • If the flavor is weak, you can try adding a bit more cocoa powder to bring back some of its original taste.
  • If you choose to add more cocoa, make sure to follow the directions on the label so that you get the right amount.
  • If you suspect that your chocolate is spoiled, do not touch it.
  • Instead, throw it out immediately.

What are some ways to prevent chocolate from going bad?

Chocolate can last up to six months in your home if stored properly.

But there are some things you can do to keep your chocolate fresh and tasty longer.

Store Your Chocolate Properly

The most important thing you can do to keep your chocolate fresh is to store it properly.

You should always purchase chocolate that has a sell by date on the packaging.

If you don’t see this date, the chocolate may be old or even expired.

Store your chocolate in a cool place where it will not get too hot.

It also helps to wrap your chocolate tightly with plastic wrap, foil, or wax paper so it doesn’t come into contact with any moisture or air.

Keep chocolate away from direct sunlight because exposure to light can cause the chocolate to become rancid quickly.

Don’t Refrigerate Chocolate

Refrigeration can actually make chocolate stale faster than normal storage.

So, unless you plan on using your chocolate within one week, it is best to leave it at room temperature.

Refrigerating chocolate also encourages mold growth which can lead to a spoiled taste in your chocolate.

Use Chocolate Safely

If you find yourself struggling with how to use chocolate safely, check out these tips on how to use chocolate safely.

Chocolate contains fats and oils that can damage your skin if they come into contact with it.

So, you should only apply a small amount of chocolate to your lips and then gently lick off any excess.

And never put chocolate directly on your tongue.

You can also use a spoon to dip a small amount of chocolate into a glass of warm water to help melt it before applying it to your lips.

When using chocolate as a hair conditioner, you should avoid pouring it onto your head and instead dab it onto your scalp.

Also, when you use chocolate to decorate cakes or cookies, you should first frost the cake or cookie and then add the decorations.

If you are baking with chocolate, make sure to read our article on baking with chocolate.

What are some common myths about chocolate and its expiration date?

There are many things people don’t know about chocolate.

One of those is the fact that chocolate can easily go bad.

It’s important to understand how this happens so that you can avoid buying expired chocolate in stores or online.

Here are some common myths about chocolate and its expiration date:

1.Chocolate Expires on the Date Stamped On the Packet

Chocolate doesn’t expire like other foods.

If you buy chocolate at the grocery store, it will be marked with an expiration date.

This date is not the same as when the chocolate was made.

For instance, if you buy a box of Ghirardelli dark chocolate chips, they probably won’t be good until 2022.

They were probably made in 2017, but they’re labeled as being good until 2022.

There are no laws regulating the use of “best by” dates on food products, although there are regulations concerning the labeling of food products.

So, even though the best-by date may say 2022, that doesn’t mean that the chocolate is actually good until then.

Instead, the best-by date is simply an estimate of when the product should be consumed.

If you want to ensure that your chocolate is fresh, look for a bar with a UPC code (Universal Product Code) on the package.

This number is printed on the side of the chocolate bar and tells you exactly what year the chocolate was manufactured.

You can also find out the exact month and day that the chocolate was made.

The UPC code is also used to track inventory.

A company can buy a large quantity of chocolate bars and sell them all at once.

Then, they would put the UPC code on each bar and keep track of which ones sold well enough to warrant reordering more.

2.Chocolate Is Made From Cocoa Beans

Cocoa beans are the seeds inside of cocoa pods.

When these beans are roasted, they become cocoa powder.

But, when you buy chocolate, it isn’t made from cocoa beans.

Chocolate is made from sugar and fat.

The main ingredient in chocolate is called cocoa butter.

Cocoa butter is solid at room temperature, but it melts when heated.

The combination of sugar and cocoa butter produces a smooth texture and rich flavor.

Sugar helps give chocolate its sweetness, while cocoa butter gives it its smoothness.

Other ingredients found in chocolate include vanilla, milk solids, lecithin, emulsifiers, and other additives that help the chocolate melt smoothly and evenly.

Some chocolate contains caffeine, which is added to increase energy levels.

3.Chocolate Goes Bad Because of Light

Light is the enemy of chocolate.

The light that comes from the sun causes the chemical reaction that makes chocolate go bad.

The longer the chocolate sits exposed to light, the worse it gets.

The only way to preserve chocolate is to keep it in the refrigerator.

Darker chocolates will last longer than lighter chocolates because the darker color absorbs more light than the lighter color.

Also, the darker the chocolate, the more antioxidants it has.

Antioxidants protect the chocolate from the effects of oxidation, which is why dark chocolate is better for you than white chocolate.

4.Baking Soda Can Prevent Chocolate from Going Bad

Baking soda is often recommended to help clean your oven.

Many people think that baking soda can help clean their stovetop, too.

While it can help remove odors from the stove, it cannot stop the growth of bacteria that cause food poisoning.

Food poisoning is caused by germs that grow in the presence of moisture.

These germs are usually present on dirty dishes and utensils.

Once the germs get into the food, they multiply rapidly.

Bacteria grow quickly in warm, moist environments, so any dish or utensil left unwashed in the kitchen will eventually become contaminated with bacteria.

Cooking sprays and antibacterial cleaners can kill bacteria, but not all bacteria are killed by cooking sprays.

If you have a bacterial infection, you need to see a doctor immediately.

5.Chocolate Gets Rancid When It’s Exposed To Heat

You’ve heard the saying, “Don’t throw away the trash,” right? Well, the same goes for chocolate.

Chocolate can go bad when it’s exposed to heat.

Whether it’s overheated or just sitting around in the sun, chocolate can develop off flavors.

The most common problem with overheated chocolate is rancidity, which means that the fats in the chocolate break down.

This results in a strong smell that is similar to burning rubber.

Overheating can also affect the taste of the chocolate.

When the chocolate becomes too hot, it breaks down into smaller pieces and loses its integrity.

The result is a less flavorful chocolate.

Can bad chocolate make you sick?

Yes, chocolate can cause your body to react in ways that could be dangerous or even fatal.

It’s important to remember that there are two types of chocolate.

One type is made from cocoa beans and the other is made from milk chocolate.

Cocoa beans are a dried fruit that contains healthy antioxidants called polyphenols.

Milk chocolate is actually just another name for dark chocolate because it contains less cocoa than regular chocolate.

Dark chocolate has more fat content and therefore contains more calories and sugar.

When you eat too much chocolate, you may experience symptoms like nausea, vomiting, headaches, stomach aches, diarrhea, dizziness, muscle weakness, rapid heartbeat, and breathing problems.

These symptoms are caused by a compound called methylxanthines which are found in chocolate.

Methylxanthines are also found in coffee, tea, and cola drinks.

The good news is that these symptoms usually subside once you stop eating chocolate.

If you continue to eat chocolate, however, then you will experience more serious reactions such as seizures and heart attacks.

Eating large amounts of chocolate can also lead to low blood pressure and irregular heartbeat.

Some people who suffer from depression may find that they feel better when they eat chocolate.

In fact, some studies have shown that depressed people who eat chocolate have higher levels of serotonin, a chemical that helps regulate mood.

On the other hand, some people who suffer from anxiety or panic attacks may get worse if they eat chocolate.

Eating chocolate can also increase your risk of developing diabetes, high blood pressure, and obesity.

What are some uses for bad chocolate?

When you buy chocolate, you should check the expiration date on the package.

If the date has passed, your chocolate is probably good to eat.

But what can you do with a piece of chocolate that’s past its prime?

Chocolate is made from cocoa beans, which are made from the seeds of cocoa trees.

Cocoa trees grow in tropical regions around the world.

The most common type of cocoa tree grows in West Africa.

It is called the Criollo variety because it was originally discovered by Spanish explorers.

Other types of cocoa trees are found throughout South America, Central America, and Asia as well.

What happens to chocolate when it goes bad?

Chocolate is made up of cocoa beans which are roasted and ground into a paste.

When this paste is mixed with sugar and other ingredients, it becomes chocolate.

Chocolate is an acidic product and will quickly begin to break down in the presence of oxygen.

The longer the chocolate sits around, the more likely it is to go bad.

In fact, most experts agree that chocolate has a shelf life of no more than 90 days from the day it was produced.

After that point, it begins to deteriorate and its taste changes.

The main reason why chocolate goes bad so quickly is because of bacteria.

Bacteria are living organisms that consume food by breaking it down through enzymes or by using chemicals to change the structure of the food.

As soon as the chocolate is exposed to air, bacteria start to grow and multiply rapidly.

These bacteria consume the acid in the chocolate and use it to produce their own energy.

They also produce acids that damage the surface of the chocolate and make it hard to eat.

As the bacteria continue to grow, they eventually destroy the entire batch of chocolate.

Once that happens, the only thing left is a mushy mess that tastes terrible and is not edible.

Fortunately, there are ways to keep your chocolate fresh for much longer.

How can you extend the shelf life of chocolate?

The main thing that affects how long chocolate lasts is temperature.

If your chocolate is too hot or too cold, it will break down faster than if it’s stored at room temperature.

Also, humidity and light exposure affect how quickly your chocolate spoils.

For example, chocolate exposed to sunlight on windowsills is more likely to be spoiled because of the ultraviolet rays.

Chocolate in a refrigerator
If you store your chocolate in a refrigerator, then there are several things you can do to increase its longevity.

First, make sure that the door is closed tightly so that no air gets into the container.

Second, don’t leave any open containers inside the fridge.

Third, keep the chocolate away from other foods that might give off odors or flavors.

Finally, check the expiration date every few weeks to see if the chocolate has gone bad.

Chocolate in an unrefrigerated cabinet
If you store your chocolate in an unrefrigerated cabinet, then you should take the same precautions as with a refrigerated cabinet.

However, since the chocolate will probably sit out longer than usual, you may not want to check the expiration date as often.

Chocolate in your pantry
If you store your chocolate in a cupboard, then you need to watch out for two things.

First, make sure that the door is closed tight so that no air gets into the container.

Second, make sure that the chocolate isn’t sitting directly on top of something else that gives off odors or flavors.

You can also try storing the chocolate in a plastic bag, but this won’t prevent odors or flavors from getting into the chocolate.

Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream

Easy Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream Recipe

Mint chocolate chip ice cream is a flavor of ice cream made with mint extract and chocolate chips.
Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 10 minutes
Total Time 30 minutes
Course Dessert
Cuisine American
Servings 6
Calories 302 kcal


  • 1 large bowl


  • 1 can sweetened condensed milk
  • 2 tablespoons mint extract
  • 2 cups heavy whipping cream
  • 1/4 cup sugar
  • 1 package semi-sweet chocolate chips
  • 6 drops green food coloring
  • 1 dried mint leave


  • The first step is to make the ice cream base.
  • To do this, mix the sweetened condensed milk, mint extract, and heavy whipping cream in a large bowl.
  • Once the mixture is smooth, add the sugar and whisk until it is completely dissolved.
  • Next, add 1/2 cup of the chocolate chips (save the other 1/2 cup for later) and the green food coloring if used.
  • Stir until the chocolate chips are evenly distributed.
  • You will need to put the mixture in the freezer for at least 2 hours to firm up. I like to put it in overnight, so it is cold and creamy.
  • Once the mixture has chilled, it is time to make the ice cream.
  • To do this, pour the mixture into an ice cream maker and follow the manufacturer’s instructions.
  • Once the ice cream is finished, transfer it to a freezer-safe container and stir in the remaining 1/2 cup of chocolate chips.
  • Freeze for at least 2 hours before serving.
  • Decorate by one dried mint leave.



Calories: 302kcalCarbohydrates: 11gProtein: 2gFat: 29gSaturated Fat: 18gPolyunsaturated Fat: 1gMonounsaturated Fat: 7gCholesterol: 89mgSodium: 22mgPotassium: 85mgFiber: 0.1gSugar: 11gVitamin A: 1230IUVitamin C: 1mgCalcium: 56mgIron: 0.2mg
Keyword Easy Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream Recipe
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