Sushi is downright delicious and tastes super amazing!
But it’s not exactly a breakfast food.
That said, there are several varieties of sashimi that are so fresh that they can be eaten right after being sliced and served.
If your sushi is still good to eat after a night in the fridge, then you don’t need to worry about any health concerns.
But what happens when your sushi sits out for too long?
What are the risks of eating it the next day?
We’ll answer all these questions and more here as we explore the best ways to eat sushi.

Is it okay to eat sushi the next day?
It depends on which variety of sushi you’re talking about.
In general, sushi made with raw fish should be consumed within 24 hours of purchase.
However, this rule only applies if the fish was stored properly.
The longer the fish has been sitting out, the greater the risk of bacterial growth.
For example, tuna sashimi can last up to three days if refrigerated and kept cold.
Sushi made with raw salmon, however, must be consumed within four hours of purchase.
If the fish was not kept cool, it will begin to spoil quickly.
While there may be no real health risks associated with eating sushi the next day, the taste could suffer.
So if you have leftovers, you might want to try one of our other suggestions below instead.
If you do decide to eat sushi the next day, make sure to keep an eye on it.
The fish should be wrapped tightly in plastic wrap and placed back into the refrigerator immediately after slicing.
Once the fish is cold again, it should be discarded within 12 hours.
The same goes for rice. Rice should be kept warm until it’s time to serve it.
You can do this by wrapping the rice in paper towels (to absorb moisture) and placing it in a microwave-safe bowl.
Heat for 90 seconds per pound of rice, stirring halfway through cooking.
This helps prevent the rice from getting sticky.
Lastly, you should always wash your hands before and after handling raw seafood.
It’s also important to avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth while preparing and consuming sushi.
This will help prevent the spread of bacteria and viruses.

How long can sushi last in the fridge?
The short answer is “not very long,” if you keep your sushi refrigerated properly.
The longer answer depends on how much rice was used in each item and whether it contains salmon (which has a higher water content).
If you use seaweed with your sushi, like nori, it will last longer than other ingredients that contain less moisture.
Nori is made from dried seaweed, which means it’s already been dehydrated before you buy it, making it one of the most durable ingredients of sushi.
You can usually find nori in the produce section of your grocery store, but it also comes in sheets and rolls.
As long as you keep your nori wrapped tightly in plastic wrap, it should last several days in the refrigerator.
Rice, however, is another story.
It’s often sold in bulk, meaning that it may have been sitting around for quite a while.
So, it’s important to check the expiration date on your rice before using it.
If you bought your rice months ago, chances are it’s pretty dry now.
In fact, even when it’s wet, some rice can sit in the fridge for up to two weeks without going bad.
As for fish, it’s a different story.
Unless it’s raw tuna, which doesn’t really belong in the fridge, most types of fish are best eaten within a few hours of purchasing them.
If you plan on keeping your sushi overnight, make sure you only slice and serve it the same day you purchase it.
Otherwise, throw it away and start over.
It’s also important to note that the quality of your rice and seafood will affect how well your sushi keeps in the fridge.
For example, if you use sushi grade fish that’s meant to be eaten the same day, you might want to skip the rice altogether.
On the other hand, if you use lower-grade fish, you may want to consider buying extra rice, just in case.
With all this information in mind, let’s look at some tips on how to keep your sushi fresh.
What are the risks of eating sushi that’s been sitting out for a day?
It depends on the type of sushi you’re eating.
The most common types of sushi that are typically consumed cold include:
Sashimi (raw fish)
Aji-maki (marinated raw fish)
Tako-nishiki (dried bonito flakes wrapped around a piece of raw fish)
Chirashi-zuke (scattered vegetables over rice topped with soy sauce)
Makizushi (rolled sushi)
Ushi-gohan (rice bowl containing various ingredients)
Nigiri (hand roll)
Ebi-toro (deep fried soft shell crab)
Ebi-ten (deep fried soft shell crab)
If you’ve got a bunch of leftover sushi from last night’s dinner party, then you should probably just toss it.
It’s likely to have gone bad by now.
However, the longer your sushi has sat out before you ate it, the higher the risk that it will go bad.
This is because most sushi is kept chilled to preserve its freshness.
So if you left your sushi out for longer than 24 hours, you’ll want to throw it away.
The only exception is nigiri, which doesn’t usually require refrigeration because it’s meant to be eaten immediately after it’s made.
However, even this type of sushi should be thrown away if it’s been out for a few days.
While nigiri is usually edible after three days, longer storage times may result in mold growth, which isn’t very appetizing.
If you’re going to eat sushi that has been sitting out for a while, you should either keep it in the refrigerator or freeze it first.
You can also use a vacuum sealer to prevent moisture loss and ensure that the sushi stays fresh for up to two weeks.
What are the consequences of eating old sushi?
As with most foods, there are risks associated with eating sushi that have been sitting around for a while.
The main concern is bacterial growth, which could lead to food poisoning.
When bacteria get a foothold, they can multiply quickly, leading to illness.
Eating raw fish increases the risk of infection because bacteria can easily spread through cuts on the skin.
The CDC recommends that you avoid eating raw seafood if you’re pregnant, have an underlying medical condition, or haven’t washed your hands thoroughly before handling the fish.
You should also avoid raw seafood if you are under 18 years old.
Even though the risk of getting sick from eating sushi isn’t very high, it’s better to err on the side of caution than to get sick after trying something new.
If you’re worried about eating sushi, make sure to wash your hands thoroughly before and after handling the raw fish.
Also, don’t leave sushi out of the refrigerator overnight.
It’s important to keep any leftovers refrigerated until you plan to consume them.
And always remember to cook your sushi completely before eating it.
Is it still safe to eat sushi if it’s been refrigerated for a day?
It depends on the type of fish you’re eating.
Some varieties of sashimi, such as salmon, tuna, and swordfish, are so fresh that they can be eaten immediately after they’ve been sliced and served.
The quality of these types of sashimi doesn’t change much regardless of whether they sit out for a few hours or overnight.
However, some other types of sashimi, like shellfish, may become less tasty after sitting out for a little while.
Sushi made with raw meat is typically safer than seafood-based sushi.
Raw meats contain fewer bacteria than cooked foods do, and because most bacteria grows quickly, it’s less likely that bacteria will grow after you’ve eaten sushi.
However, if your sushi contains raw chicken, beef, pork, or lamb, you should take extra care to wash your hands before and after eating it.
If you eat sushi containing raw fish, you should cook it before consuming it.
You can either use an oven or grill to heat the sushi up.
Or, you can cook it inside a microwave (but this method requires a lot of time).
After warming the sushi, you can serve it and enjoy it.
But be sure to keep it away from children and people who have recently had diarrhea, since raw fish can cause gastrointestinal infections.
What are the signs that sushi has gone bad?
Although there isn’t a precise time limit on how long it takes for sushi to go bad, it will definitely get worse over time.
The longer it stays outside, the more likely it is to spoil.
This is mainly because of the temperature changes that occur during different seasons.
For example, sushi tastes better in summer than in winter, which means that it should be stored properly to keep it fresh.
The most common culprits for spoiled sushi are heat and light.
As mentioned above, temperatures change throughout the year, which causes the quality of sushi to degrade.
In addition, sunlight also affects the taste of sushi.
Because of this, it’s important to store your sushi in the refrigerator or take them home immediately after ordering.
As for humidity, it doesn’t seem like much of an issue when compared to other factors, but it does affect the texture of the rice, which leads to a mushy and unappealing bite.
You can try storing your sushi in a sealed container with dry rice, but if you want to avoid having to do so, simply wrap it tightly in plastic wrap before putting it back into your bag.
Another sign of sushi going bad is when it’s moldy.
Although this may sound extreme, it can actually happen quite easily if you aren’t careful about storing your sushi correctly.
Mold doesn’t just appear overnight, either.
It starts off small and slowly grows until it reaches its full size.
To prevent this from happening, make sure that your sushi is stored in a cool place where it won’t get warm.
Also, make sure to clean your hands regularly and wash your knife after cutting each piece.
How can you tell if sushi is still good to eat?
Sushi is generally considered safe to eat up to 24 hours after it has been cooked.
However, the longer it sits out, the riskier it becomes, especially if you have leftovers.
The main factor that affects whether or not sushi is still edible is how much time has passed since the last time it was prepared.
If the sushi has been refrigerated, it will be safe to eat within 3 days.
If you want to keep it for longer than that, you should freeze it.
You can also store it on ice for up to 5 days.
If you bought sushi from a restaurant, it may be even safer to eat.
Most restaurants will cook their sushi immediately before serving it to you.
This ensures that it doesn’t sit around for too long.
So even if you ate the sushi the previous night, it should still be fine to eat the following day.
But if you had it delivered to your house, then you shouldn’t eat it until 24 hours after the delivery person leaves.
The same goes for foods like raw oysters, which are often sold unrefrigerated.
However, if you do end up buying sushi from a grocery store, it may already be bad news.
Many people prefer to buy pre-packaged sushi, which means that it likely sat out for a while.
Unless you purchased it from its original packaging, it’s probably best to throw it away instead of eating it.
And if you did purchase it from its original packaging, you should still toss it because it’s almost guaranteed to contain bacteria.
What do you do if you accidentally eat old sushi?
Sushi is one of those things where you have to keep it cold until you’re ready to eat it.
This means you should always take it home from the restaurant and put it straight into the fridge (or freezer) if possible.
It also means that you should never leave it outside for too long.
The longer it sits out, the less fresh it will become.
When you eat it the next day, you’re going to be eating a lot of bacteria, which could lead to various illnesses.
So, what do you do if you accidentally eat old sushi?
Wrap it up
If you don’t want to risk consuming potentially contaminated food, you can just wrap it up with plastic wrap and store it in the refrigerator.
Just make sure to remove the plastic wrap before you eat it.
Dice it up
If you don’t mind the extra effort, you can try to cut up your sushi with a sharp knife.
Take the time to dice the fish and vegetables into bite-sized pieces.
You won’t get quite the same taste experience, but you’ll be able to enjoy the sushi sooner.
If you like your sushi on the crispier side, you might even consider freezing some of it beforehand.
You can use this method to save leftovers from a meal, too.
Chill it down
The last option is to simply chill it down.
You can either place it in an ice bath or in the freezer.
While this method isn’t as quick as cutting it up yourself, it does allow you to enjoy the sushi without having to worry about contamination.
Plus, you won’t have to deal with the mess of chopping it up.
What are the risks of eating spoiled sushi?
As a general rule, if you’re going to eat sushi, then you should probably eat it within 24 hours of purchase.
The reason for this is simple: it’s easier to preserve a fresh product than an old one.
If you buy sushi from a restaurant or grocery store, then chances are that it was prepared very recently — in fact, it might even have been made just minutes before it was served to you.
But if you bought it yourself, then you likely had to prepare it yourself.
While you could try to cut corners by buying sushi that has already been sitting in the refrigerator for a few days, there are plenty of other health hazards associated with doing so.
For instance, there’s the risk of bacteria growth on the surface of the fish, which can make you sick if you touch it.
Then there’s the potential for mold contamination, especially if the rice wasn’t cooked properly, leading to a dangerous toxin called aflatoxin.
Even worse, if the fish is raw, then there’s also the possibility of bacterial infection, which can be deadly.
So, while you don’t want to waste money on sushi that’s past its prime, you also don’t want to end up getting sick from it either.

Sweet and Sour Dynamite Roll Sushi Recipe
- Sushi rice
- Tempura shrimps
- Tempura batter
- Dynamite sauce
- Mango
- Nori sheets
- Cucumber
- Maple soy sauce
- Place your rolling mat (bamboo or Horiuchi) on a work surface and cover with plastic wrap.
- Put a piece of nori sheet on your rolling mat and spread a thin layer of rice.
- Turn the nori with the rice facing down, then add fried tempura shrimp, mango, avocado, and cucumber slices on one side.
- Splash soy and dynamite sauce on top.
- Cover the filling using a bamboo mat and roll up your dynamite sushi.
- Slice your sushi roll into sizable portions, then sprinkle dynamite sauce on top.
- Serve with any side dish of your choice.
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