How Long Does Distilled Water Last?

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Finding mold or mildew on food sure opens your eyes to the importance of washing it well before munching down. It’s a bit like stumbling upon a hidden world, lurking right where you’d least expect it. Why take chances? A rinse can be a lifesaver, much like a hero swooping in at the last moment. Every piece you clean is another step towards keeping those nasty surprises at bay. Clean food doesn’t just taste better; it links directly to a longer, healthier life. Dive into the world of freshness and never skip the splash!

The same goes for drinking water.

If you use tap water to make your coffee or tea, the next time you need to drink something cold, it’s best to use distilled water instead.

But what exactly is distilled water?

What makes it so special?

And how long will it last once you open the bottle?

Let’s find out!

How Long Does Distilled Water Last? 1

How long does distilled water last?

In general, distilled water lasts indefinitely.

You can keep it in an airtight container for as long as you want.

However, it is recommended that you use it within six months of distillation.

This is because the chemicals used to create distilled water are very reactive.

They break down naturally over time, but if you leave them around for too long they could become harmful to your body.

It’s also worth noting that while distilled water won’t go bad, it won’t stay fresh forever either.

The longer you keep it, the more likely it is that it will become contaminated by other substances.

Does distilled water go bad?

While distilled water itself isn’t going to go bad, it’s still recommended that you don’t use it when it has been sitting around for a long period of time.

This is especially true if you’re storing it in a plastic jug.

Plastic bottles are notorious for trapping moisture inside.

When this happens, the water begins to evaporate from the surface of the liquid.

In turn, the water vapor becomes trapped inside the bottle, which can lead to bacteria growth.

If you’ve been using the water regularly, it might be fine, but if you haven’t touched it in a while, you should probably throw it away.

That said, even if the water is contaminated, it won’t hurt you to drink it.

Distilled Water

How do you store distilled water?

You can keep distilled water in almost any type of container.

The key thing to remember is that it needs to be completely sealed to prevent contamination.

That means no cracks or crevices where dirt or debris can get into the bottle.

If you have a glass jar, make sure to put the lid on tightly and wrap the bottle in aluminum foil to protect it from light.

If you’re using a plastic bottle, you’ll need to ensure that the seal is tight.

Otherwise, the pressure inside the bottle will cause it to expand and crack, allowing the contents to leak out.

Can bacteria grow in distilled water?

Bacteria can grow in any type of water, but distilled water is particularly susceptible to bacterial growth.

Why? Because the process of distilling removes all traces of oxygen from the water.

Without oxygen, there is nothing for bacteria to feed off of.

As such, it is best to consume distilled water within six months of distillation.

After that point, the water will begin to degrade at an accelerated rate.

Do you refrigerate distilled water after opening?

There’s no reason to refrigerate distilled water after opening.

As we’ve mentioned, the chemicals in distilled water react quickly, which means that they will eventually break down.

As such, it’s better to just let it sit out until it starts to smell funky.

However, if you’re planning on making ice cubes with the water, you should always refrigerate it immediately after opening.

Is distilled water in plastic jugs safe?

Yes, distilled water stored in plastic jugs is safe to drink.

The only real concern here is whether the jug is clean.

If the water looks cloudy or smells bad, toss it out.

Otherwise, the water is perfectly safe to drink.

Does distilled water eat plastic?

No, distilled water doesn’t eat plastic.
There are some types of plastics that are known to breakdown under certain conditions, but distilled water is one of the safest types of plastic to drink.
As such, it’s perfectly safe to pour it directly into a glass or mug.
If you’re worried about the plastic leaching into the water, you can always buy a stainless steel cup instead.

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