How Long Does Feta Cheese Last?

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Have you ever wondered how long your yummy feta cheese from the store or deli stays good?

The answer is anywhere from one month to six months.

In this article we’ll explain how long feta cheese lasts and what you need to know about the shelf life of feta cheese.

How Long Does Feta Cheese Last

How long does feta cheese last in the fridge?

Feta cheese has a short shelf life.

It is best consumed within two months of purchase.

However, if it’s kept in the refrigerator for longer than that, the quality will deteriorate rapidly.

This means that there are certain things you should keep in mind when purchasing feta cheese to ensure its quality.

The most important thing is to make sure your feta cheese is fully ripe.

Ripe feta cheese has a creamy texture and an intense flavor.

If you don’t want to wait until your feta cheese is fully ripe, you can use a food thermometer to check the temperature of the cheese before buying it.

A perfectly ripe feta cheese will have a minimum internal temperature of 90° F (32° C).

The other key factor in determining the shelf life of feta cheese is humidity.

When feta cheese is exposed to high levels of moisture, such as condensation on the inside of the packaging, the cheese will lose some of its flavor and become less appetizing.

To avoid this, you should store your feta cheese in a sealed container with no air pockets.

Ideally, you should also rotate the container every few days so that the cheese doesn’t sit directly against the surface of the cheese.

Avoid storing the cheese in plastic containers, which can trap moisture and cause mold growth.

If you want to extend the shelf life of your feta cheese, you can add an extra layer of protection by wrapping it tightly in foil.

This will prevent any excess condensation from forming on the outside of the package.

You can also try adding an additional layer of fat to the top of your feta cheese.

Fat provides insulation, preventing the cheese from drying out.

You can find natural fats like olive oil or vegetable oil in the grocery aisle near the cheeses.

Finally, you should never thaw feta cheese in the microwave.

Thawing frozen feta cheese in the microwave will only accelerate the process of deterioration.

Instead, defrost your cheese in cold water instead.

How long does feta cheese last unopened?

Feta cheese has a fairly short shelf life because it contains salt, which causes it to go bad very quickly.

If you purchase feta cheese that’s been opened, it can only be stored in the refrigerator for three days.

After that, the cheese begins to dry out and lose its flavor.

If you purchase feta cheese from your local grocery store, it may have been sitting on the shelves for weeks or even months before you bought it.

But if you buy it from a deli or specialty food shop, chances are it was made fresh just before you purchased it.

As an example, if you buy a block of feta cheese that’s been sitting on the supermarket shelf for several weeks, it probably won’t taste as good as a block that’s been freshly made and shipped overnight to your home.

The same goes for any other hard cheese that’s been sitting around for a while – it’s not going to be as tasty as a block that’s just been made and packaged.

But don’t worry!

There are ways to extend the shelf life of feta cheese so that it will still taste great when you open it.

How long does feta cheese last opened?

Feta cheese has a short shelf life because it contains live bacteria that are good for preserving food.

These bacteria thrive in brine made with salt and water and produce lactic acid as they metabolize sugars into carbon dioxide and alcohols.

This process causes the cheese to become soft and creamy.

The bacteria also create an environment rich in nutrients, which makes feta cheese nutritious on its own.

As feta cheese ages, its flavor becomes more pungent and sharp, and it loses some of its moisture content.

Most people don’t realize how quickly feta cheese goes bad, so they keep opening it and eating it sooner than they should.

If you want to extend the shelf life of your feta cheese, there are several things you can do to help it last longer.

You may have noticed that many supermarkets sell their feta cheese in plastic containers rather than glass jars.

This is because plastic doesn’t allow oxygen to get in, which prevents the growth of mold.

When you open the plastic container, you should immediately seal it with a piece of cloth or paper towel and store it in the refrigerator.

If you forget to close it right away, the feta cheese will start to turn rancid.

You can also use aluminum foil to cover the top of the container.

This will prevent any light from getting inside the container, and it will slow down the rate at which the feta cheese deteriorates.

Another option is to wrap your feta cheese in plastic wrap before storing it in the fridge.

This will protect it from light and moisture, both of which cause the cheese to spoil faster.

How long does feta cheese last after its expiration date?

Feta cheese is a soft, salty, crumbly cheese that is popular in Greek cuisine.

It has a tangy flavor with a hint of bitterness, and it is often used as a topping or ingredient on salads, pastas, and other dishes.

The name feta comes from the Greek word “feta,” which means “curdled milk.”

When the cheese is produced, the curds are separated from the whey using salt, and the curd is then packed into molds.

This process produces hard cheeses like feta, mozzarella, and Parmesan.

Feta cheese is made by combining cow’s or goat’s milk with rennet.

Rennet is an enzyme found in the stomach lining of calves and goats.

As the milk coagulates, the curds separate from the liquid whey.

Once the curds have formed, they are cut into cubes, pressed, salted, and aged until the desired texture and taste is achieved.

Feta cheese is also known as Bulgarian feta, Greek feta, or brine cheese.

Some varieties are made with sheep’s milk instead of cow’s milk, while others may contain additional ingredients such as herbs or spices.

Because feta cheese is so perishable, it should never be left out in the open air.

If possible, store it in the refrigerator where it will stay fresh for up to three weeks.

However, once the cheese begins to deteriorate, it is better to consume it sooner rather than later.

If you don’t want to eat your feta cheese right away, you can freeze it.

Just wrap it tightly in plastic wrap and place it in the freezer for up to three months.

You can thaw frozen feta cheese in the refrigerator overnight or microwave it on low power for 10 to 20 seconds.

Can you freeze feta cheese?

Feta cheese can be frozen for up to three months (depending on the brand), so if you are planning a trip abroad, you can take some with you without worrying that it won’t be around when you get back.

However, there are some things you should consider before freezing your feta cheese.

First, you must remove as much moisture as possible.

This means rinsing the cheese in cold water until most of the liquid has been removed.

You can also place the cheese in an airtight container and let it drain overnight.

Once it has dried out, you can wrap it tightly in plastic wrap and then put it into a freezer bag.

The other thing you need to consider is the type of packaging you use.

If you choose to freeze your cheese in a Tupperware container, you may find that after a few weeks, the surface becomes sticky, and it is difficult to open.

If you want to store your feta cheese for longer periods of time, you should opt for something more durable.

For example, you could use Ziploc sandwich bags, which have resealable seals, or even vacuum-sealed bags.

Finally, once you have opened your package and removed the cheese, you should immediately place it in the refrigerator.

It is important to avoid exposing it to room temperature, because this can cause the cheese to soften and become rubbery.

What is the best way to store feta cheese?

Feta cheese doesn’t have a set expiration date because it’s not meant to be stored in the fridge.

It should be kept at room temperature (between 50-60 degrees Fahrenheit) and away from direct sunlight.

If you keep your cheese in the fridge, it will lose some of its flavor and become mushy.

Feta cheese should be eaten within two months of purchasing it.

You can extend its lifespan by wrapping it in plastic wrap.

This will help prevent moisture from getting into the cheese, which may cause mold growth.

If you want to use your feta cheese beyond its recommended usage, there are certain ways to prolong its shelf life.

For example, you can freeze it in an airtight container with a freezer bag over the top.

You can also dry it out using a food dehydrator.

You can also add salt to feta cheese to preserve it.

Adding 1/4 teaspoon of salt per cup of feta cheese will increase its shelf life by two weeks.

The best way to store feta cheese is to wrap it tightly in plastic wrap and place it in the refrigerator until you’re ready to enjoy it.

How can you tell when feta cheese has gone bad?

Feta cheese is a soft, spreadable cheese made from sheep’s milk.

It has a strong flavor that comes from the brine in which it is preserved.

That salty taste makes it an excellent addition to salads, dips, and pizzas.

If you love feta cheese, you should make sure you have enough on hand so you never run out.

Like any other food product, feta cheese doesn’t stay fresh indefinitely.

When you buy it, it usually comes with a sell-by date on the label.

But if you don’t read those dates, you could end up eating something that’s past its prime.

The main thing you need to remember about feta cheese is that it goes bad quickly.

It won’t go bad as soon as you open it, but every day that passes after that means more bacteria is growing inside of it.

You can eat it up to two months after you bought it, but after that, it starts losing its quality and becomes downright dangerous to consume.

Here are some tips for knowing when your feta cheese is no longer safe to eat.

1. Watch the sell-by date

If you didn’t notice the label on your feta cheese package, you might want to check the date.

A lot of people assume that the sell-by date refers to the expiration date of the cheese itself.

In fact, the sell-by date refers to the expiry date of the packaging.

It’s a useful way of labeling the date on which the manufacturer decided to stop selling the product.

So, if you haven’t opened the package yet, there’s still time left on the sell-by date.

However, once you take off the wrapping, you should start looking for signs of spoilage.

The first thing to look for is mold growth on the surface of the cheese.

This is a sign that the cheese has started to deteriorate.

Next, check the texture of the cheese.

If it feels dry and crumbly, it’s probably too old to eat.

Finally, examine the color of the cheese.

If it’s faded away completely, the cheese is definitely not safe to consume.

2. Check the moisture content

Feta cheese is naturally very moist.

So, if you find that the cheese is drier than usual, you should be suspicious.

Moisture loss happens when the fat in the cheese starts to oxidize and break down.

This process causes the cheese to lose moisture over time.

To determine whether your feta cheese has lost too much moisture, put it between two sheets of paper towels and weigh it.

Compare the weight before and after you remove the paper towel.

If the difference is greater than 5%, your cheese has lost too much moisture and it is no longer safe to eat.

You can also use a hygrometer to measure the amount of water vapor in the air.

To do this, place the cheese in a bowl and cover it with plastic wrap.

Then, leave the bowl in a warm room (about 72 degrees Fahrenheit) for 24 hours.

After that, measure the amount of water vapor that has evaporated from the cheese.

3. Look for mold growth

If you see a small white mold growing on your feta cheese, it’s already gone bad.

Mold is a type of microorganism that grows on all kinds of food products, including cheeses.

Usually, it’s harmless, but sometimes it can cause serious health problems.

Because of this, it’s important to avoid eating anything that looks or smells odd.

To prevent mold growth, keep your cheese refrigerated and covered whenever possible.

Don’t let it sit out on the counter or in direct sunlight.

And if you see a large spot of mold on your cheese, throw it out immediately.

Never rewrap or repackage the cheese after you discover mold.

Wash your hands thoroughly afterwards.

4. Check the salt level

Another reason why feta cheese goes bad is because it loses too much of its saltiness.

Salting is the only way to preserve feta cheese.

Over time, however, salt can leach out of the cheese into the surrounding environment.

As a result, the cheese loses its flavor and becomes bland.

To test the salt level of your feta cheese, cut it into cubes and sprinkle them with water.

If they absorb the water easily, the cheese is low in salt.

If they bounce back, it’s high in salt. If they sink, it’s medium in salt.

If they float, it’s high in salt.

5. Check the consistency

Cheese that’s been sitting around for a while tends to get softer.

This is especially true of feta cheese.

One way to tell if your cheese has gotten softer is by comparing its texture to that of freshly made cheese.

If it’s less firm, then it’s probably old.

You can also compare the texture of your cheese to that of another brand.

Most brands of feta cheese come in different textures.

Some are firmer, while others are creamier and more spreadable.

If yours is too soft, it’s probably no longer safe to eat.

How Long Does Feta Cheese Last? 1

Is it safe to eat feta cheese that has been stored for a long time?

Feta cheese is made with sheep’s milk, which contains less lactose than cow’s milk.

This means that feta cheese is easier on your digestive system compared to other cheeses.

However, the high salt content in feta cheese also makes it more susceptible to spoilage.

As such, if you don’t consume your feta cheese within two months of purchase, it may lose some of its flavor, texture, and nutritional value over time.

With that said, there are ways to extend the lifespan of your feta cheese so that you can enjoy it for as long as possible.

1. Store your feta cheese properly

The first thing you should do is store your feta cheese properly.

Proper storage ensures that your feta cheese doesn’t get too warm, too cold, or gets exposed to air (which can cause mold).

If you have room in your fridge, store your feta cheese in an airtight container.

If not, you can wrap it in plastic wrap and then place it inside a Ziploc bag.

Make sure to keep the feta cheese away from any other food that might give off moisture.

It’s also important to store your feta cheese away from any strong odors, including garlic, onions, and fish.

These foods tend to produce volatile sulfur compounds, which can affect the taste of your feta cheese.

2. Use a fresh cheese knife

A fresh cheese knife is the key to keeping your feta cheese tasting great for as long as possible.

A fresh cheese knife helps you cut your feta cheese into smaller pieces without making the cheese stretchy.

It also prevents your feta cheese from drying out while you work.

You can find a fresh cheese knife at most grocery stores or online retailers.

However, if you want to save money, you can also use a vegetable peeler instead.

3. Keep your feta cheese refrigerated

As mentioned earlier, feta cheese is very susceptible to spoilage.

Therefore, you should always keep your feta cheese refrigerated.

You don’t want to leave your feta cheese sitting around in your refrigerator for too long because it could start to develop a funky odor.

That being said, you should avoid storing your feta cheese in the door of the refrigerator.

Instead, put your feta cheese right next to the back wall of the fridge where it won’t get exposed to light.

4. Don’t expose your feta cheese to sunlight

Exposing your feta cheese to direct sunlight can cause the fat molecules in the cheese to oxidize.

This process causes the oil to break down and turn rancid, resulting in a nasty-smelling cheese.

To prevent this, you should only allow your feta cheese to come in contact with natural light when you open the refrigerator.

Otherwise, you should cover the cheese with aluminum foil until you are ready to serve it.

5. Avoid using your feta cheese before its expiration date

This goes hand in hand with point #4.

You shouldn’t let your feta cheese sit out for too long because it’s likely to become rancid.

This isn’t something you should worry about if you’re buying a new block of feta cheese, but if you already have some leftover cheese, you should probably throw it out.

That way, you can ensure that you don’t waste your money on a piece of cheese that you can’t enjoy.

What are the consequences of eating expired feta cheese?

Feta cheese has a short shelf life because it contains salt and bacteria that can spoil quickly.

If you eat feta that is past its expiration date, you could get sick from food poisoning.

Bacteria can grow in your digestive tract, causing diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, headaches, dizziness, fever, and chills.

Some people may develop an infection called listeriosis.

The symptoms of listeriosis include severe headache, stiff neck, confusion, loss of coordination, muscle weakness, convulsions, and coma.

Listeriosis can be fatal if left untreated.

If you have any of these symptoms after consuming spoiled feta cheese, see a doctor immediately.

You should also avoid any other foods that may have been contaminated with the same bacteria as well.

How long does feta cheese last before spoiling?

Feta cheese has a short shelf life because it contains salt and bacteria that can cause food poisoning.

According to the FDA, feta cheese must be refrigerated and kept below 45 degrees Fahrenheit (7 degrees Celsius).

However, the temperature of feta cheese can fluctuate depending on where it is located in the grocery store.

For example, when feta cheese is sitting out on a table or shelf, it can reach temperatures above 40 degrees Fahrenheit (4 degrees Celsius) and spoil.

When feta cheese is sold in the produce section, it may reach temperatures over 50 degrees Fahrenheit (10 degrees Celsius), which is higher than most home refrigerators can maintain.

This means that feta cheese can go bad much faster than you would expect.

How can you make feta cheese last longer?

Feta cheese has a relatively short shelf life because it contains salt.
Salt makes the cheese dry out, which causes it to lose its flavor and texture.

If you eat feta cheese after it loses its freshness, you may notice that it tastes flat and lacks flavor.

The most common way to extend the shelf life of feta cheese is by adding sugar.

Sugar helps prevent moisture loss, which keeps the cheese soft and prevents it from drying out.

It also gives the cheese a tangy taste and adds sweetness.

You can find sugar in different forms, including granulated white sugar, brown sugar, honey, molasses, maple syrup, and agave nectar.

You can also add other ingredients to feta cheese to keep it fresh.

These include herbs such as oregano, rosemary, thyme, basil, mint, dill, parsley, and chives, nuts such as almonds, hazelnuts, pistachios, and walnuts, and seeds such as sesame, sunflower, pumpkin, flaxseed, and hemp seed.

If you want to use these ingredients, you should first break them down into smaller pieces so they don’t get stuck in your teeth.

Also, try not to put too much of any ingredient in your feta cheese.

Too many spices and herbs can overwhelm the flavor of the cheese, and too much nutmeg can cause nausea.

Once you have chosen your ingredients, you should follow these simple steps to keep your feta cheese fresh:

Wash your hands with soap and water before touching the cheese.

Refrigerate the cheese immediately after cutting it.

Keep the cheese covered with plastic wrap when not in use.

Store the cheese in an airtight container.

Do not place the cheese on a plate or cover it with foil.

Avoid storing the cheese near strong-smelling foods such as onions and garlic.

Feta Cheese and Bacon Stuffed Breasts

Feta Cheese and Bacon Stuffed Breasts

This is a very decadent dish. The chicken breasts are stuffed with bacon and feta cheese. A cucumber and tomato salad makes a great accompaniment.
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 30 minutes
Total Time 43 minutes
Servings 4
Calories 485 kcal


  • 1 oven
  • 1 small bowl


  • 8 tablespoons olive oil
  • 2 teaspoons lemon juice
  • 4 cloves garlic crushed
  • 1 tablespoon dried oregano
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • 4 skinless boneless chicken breasts
  • 4 slices feta cheese
  • 4 slices bacon fried and drained


  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C).
  • In a small bowl combine the oil, lemon juice, garlic, oregano, salt and pepper. Mix together. Place chicken in a 9×13 inch baking dish and pour oil mixture over chicken.
  • Stuff each chicken breast with 1 slice feta cheese and 1 slice bacon. Secure open sides with toothpicks.
  • Bake uncovered at 350 degrees F (175 degrees C) for 30 to 35 minutes.



Calories: 485kcalCarbohydrates: 2gProtein: 25gFat: 42gSaturated Fat: 8gPolyunsaturated Fat: 5gMonounsaturated Fat: 26gTrans Fat: 0.1gCholesterol: 123mgSodium: 259mgPotassium: 352mgFiber: 1gSugar: 0.1gVitamin A: 61IUVitamin C: 2mgCalcium: 42mgIron: 2mg
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