Do Jolly Ranchers Expire?

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Many candies hide their expiration dates, though **”Best by”** dates are usually discretely placed in the packaging.

But what about Jolly Ranchers—the classic sour-tasting candy made famous in the 1970s? Are they like other candies and will they eventually lose their flavor?

Let’s find out.

Jolly Ranchers2

When do Jolly Ranchers expire?

The Jolly Rancher has no expiration date on its packaging.

This means it doesn’t need one because there is no food safety issue with this candy.

In fact, Jolly Ranchers are considered a safe product to consume and are often given away at events.

In fact, Jolly Ranchers don’t even have a shelf life.

They are meant to be eaten within 24 hours of opening the package or else the candy loses its sourness.

Jolly Ranchers

How long do Jolly Ranchers last?

While there isn’t an official expiration date for Jolly Ranchers, the manufacturer recommends using them within 24 hours of opening the package.

If you open a package of Jolly Ranchers on Monday morning, eat them all that day, then eat another batch on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, you’ll still be able to taste the sourness of the candy.

If you open a package of Jolly Ranchers on Monday afternoon, eat them all that day, then eat another batch on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, you’ll still be able to taste the sourness of the candy.

This is because the candy is naturally sour.

The sugar and artificial sweetener used in the candy don’t affect how quickly the candy tastes sour.

What is the shelf life of Jolly Ranchers?

The manufacturer recommends using the candy within 24 hours of opening the package.

Do Jolly Ranchers go bad?

Jolly Ranchers don’t go bad, but they do lose their flavor over time.

This is because the natural citric acid in the candy slowly dissolves into water.

How can you tell if a Jolly Rancher is bad?

You can’t.

There is no way to tell if a Jolly Rancher is bad just by looking at it.

You would have to taste it to know.

What happens if you eat a bad Jolly Rancher?

It depends on how much you ate.

A single Jolly Rancher won’t hurt you unless you eat too many of them.

But if you eat two or three, you might experience stomach aches, bloating, diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting.

Can you get sick from eating expired Jolly Ranchers?

Yes, but it’s unlikely.

While it’s possible that a Jolly Rancher could contain bacteria, mold, or other harmful substances, it’s highly improbable that any of these things would cause illness.

If you’re concerned about the health effects of consuming a Jolly Rancher, you should avoid eating more than two or three pieces per day.

How do you store Jolly Ranchers to keep them fresh?

To extend the shelf life of your Jolly Ranchers, you should keep them in a cool place (ideally below 50 degrees Fahrenheit) and away from moisture.

What is the best way to enjoy Jolly Ranchers?

To enjoy your Jolly Ranchers, you should eat them straight from the package.
That way, they won’t lose their sourness over time.
Chew them slowly and thoroughly.
Don’t eat more than two or three pieces per day.
Store them in a cool place.
Avoid storing them near moisture.
Eat them right after you buy them.

For more information, check out the following links:

  • Is there an expiration date on candy bars?
  • Does chocolate have an expiration date?
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