Imagine biting into a juicy nectarine. It’s like a burst of sunshine in your mouth, and folks think it’s absolutely delicious!
They are one of the most popular summertime fruits because they are sweet, juicy, and delicious.
But if you don’t know how to store your nectarines correctly, you could end up wasting money on overpriced produce that won’t last even a day.
So, how do you store nectarines so they will taste their best while also not going bad?
Keep reading to learn everything you need to know about how to store nectarines!

How can I store nectarines so they stay fresh?
Nectarines are extremely perishable, which means you can only eat them within a few days of purchase.
The longer you leave them outside, the more likely mold will grow on them.
This makes them difficult to serve and eat without making a mess.
The easiest way to store nectarines is by refrigerating them.
However, this isn’t the only way to store them.
You can also use a plastic bag, place them in an airtight container, or put them in the freezer.
These three methods all have pros and cons, but we recommend refrigeration as the best option.

What is the best way to store nectarines?
Refrigerated nectarines will last anywhere from two to five days (depending on the variety).
If you want to get a little bit more mileage out of them, consider placing them in an airtight container or in the freezer.
Placing them in the refrigerator will make them last longer than freezing them, but they still won’t last very long.
So, if you’re only planning on eating them within a few days, freezing is your best bet.
How long do nectarines last when stored properly?
Once you take them out of the fridge, nectarines start to rot within hours.
This happens because they aren’t cold enough to slow down decay.
Even though they are still edible after being left out for a couple of days, they are no longer safe to consume.
Here is a chart showing how long nectarines will last according to the method you choose to store them:
- Refrigerator: 2-5 days
- Freezer: 4-6 months
- Plastic bag: 6-8 weeks
What temperature should nectarines be stored at?
When you store nectarines in the fridge, you must make sure they are below 40 degrees Fahrenheit.
At temperatures above 45 degrees Fahrenheit, mold will begin to develop on the skin, which leads to rotting.
At higher temperatures, bacteria can also become active and cause food poisoning.
At room temperature, nectarines will usually last about three days, depending on the variety.
For example, Honeycrisps and Goldens will last much longer than peaches.
Golden Delicious and Bartlett pears will also last longer than peaches.
Is it better to store nectarines in the fridge or out of the fridge?
Although refrigeration is the ideal way to store nectarines, keeping them in the fridge isn’t always feasible.
In fact, most people prefer to buy them at the local grocery store rather than wait in line to grab them off their shelves.
Unfortunately, the cooler is where most people store their nectarines.
This leads to some serious problems.
First of all, the nectarines will quickly go bad due to the high heat inside the refrigerator.
It is also impossible to tell whether any mold has already developed on the nectarines until it is too late to save them.
And, since refrigerators often contain moisture, the fruit may spoil faster than it would at room temperature.
Storing nectarines in the crisper drawer
This works well for small quantities of nectarines, such as single servings or snack packs.
However, once you open a larger quantity, the nectarines will quickly start to deteriorate.
This is because there isn’t a good airflow system in the crisper.
Instead, the fruit will sit right on top of each other, which causes condensation to form between them.
This creates a perfect breeding ground for molds and bacteria.
Storing nectarines in the vegetable bin
This is another common mistake, especially if you live in a climate that experiences heavy humidity.
Since nectarines are usually purchased in large quantities and placed in the same bin as vegetables, they will rapidly go bad.
Storing nectarines in the crisper drawer of the refrigerator
Again, this is a great idea for small quantities of nectarines, but it doesn’t work well for larger amounts.
As mentioned earlier, the crisper drawer is filled with fruit and vegetables, which causes moisture to build up between the nectarine packages.
This causes mold and mildew to develop on the surface of the package.
Storing nectarines in the freezer
There are two things wrong with this method.
First, it takes much longer to thaw frozen fruit than it does fresh fruit.
Second, the fruit will freeze together, which means that you won’t be able to separate them easily when you pull them out of the freezer.
What other fruits can I store with nectarines?
Nectarines are extremely perishable, which means they are best served soon after you buy them.
The longer they sit around, the more likely mold will develop on the skin.
Because of this, it is best to avoid storing nectarines with apples, bananas, mangoes, pineapples, strawberries, plums, and kiwis.
These fruits are also susceptible to developing mold, which can lead to food poisoning.
The best thing to do is to avoid mixing different types of fruit altogether.
For example, do not mix nectarines with apples, grapes, or oranges.
How should I wash nectarines before storing them?
Washing your nectarines before storing them is important because dirt and debris can cause them to go rotten quickly.
When you wash them, be sure to remove any stickers, cut marks, or dents.
Also, make sure to rinse them thoroughly under running water.
Washing them will help prevent mold growth.
Should I remove the pit from nectarines before storing them?
Yes, removing the pit will allow you to enjoy the fruit without having to worry about choking on it.
If you don’t remove the pit, the fruit will eventually split open, which can make it difficult to chew.
How should I wrap nectarines when storing them?
You should wrap nectarines tightly in plastic wrap and then place them in an airtight container.
This will prevent the fruit from drying out and will make it easier to transport.
You can also use a zipper-lock bag, but it isn’t really necessary.
What other ways can I preserve my nectarines?
If you don’t have time to prepare them ahead of time, you can try these simple tips to help extend their shelf life:
- Wrap nectarines individually in aluminum foil, and then store them in an airtight container.
- Place them in zip-top bags and store them in the refrigerator.
- Cut them into smaller pieces and add them to muffin tins.
How to store cherries?
One of the most common mistakes people make when storing fruit is leaving it out in the sun.
While this seems like a quick fix, sunlight actually causes many fruits to develop mold.
The best way to avoid this problem is to store your fruit in a cool and dark location.

Rosé sangria
- 1 jug
- 1 fridge
- 3 nectarines stoned and sliced
- 200 g strawberries sliced
- 750 ml Spanish rosé wine
- 1 cup orange juice
- 1 tbsp golden caster sugar
- 50 ml orange liqueur
- 300 ml sparkling water
- mint small handful sprigs
- In a large jug, combine all of the ingredients except the sparkling water and mint.
- Refrigerate for 1 hour or until chilled, then top with sparkling water and garnish with mint leaves to serve.
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