Brown sugar shines like a jewel in many kitchens across America.
This sweetener comes from combining refined white sugar with molasses (a thick syrup made during the process of making sugar).
Like any other food product, brown sugar goes stale after a certain amount of time, which is why you should always buy your brown sugar when it’s on sale.
But what exactly is brown sugar anyway, and how long can you keep it before it becomes unusable?
Keep reading below to find out.
How long does brown sugar last?
According to the USDA, brown sugar has a “best-if-used-by” date of six months from the date of purchase.
The expiration date isn’t an exact science, though, since brown sugar won’t necessarily become useless at this point, especially if kept in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.
Keep in mind that brown sugar will only get harder as it sits in storage, so the longer it stays in the fridge, the more likely it is to turn into rock candy.
If you have some left over from Christmas, for example, don’t put it back in the cupboard until you’ve used it all up.
Does brown sugar expire?
As mentioned above, brown sugar doesn’t actually expire — it just gets harder to use as it sits around.
When brown sugar starts to harden, it can still be used safely, but it’ll taste different than it did when it was first purchased.
When you open a bag of brown sugar and it looks like rock candy, it’s probably too far gone to use safely.
You might want to consider throwing it out instead.

What is the shelf life of brown sugar?
There are no specific shelf lives for brown sugar because there are so many variables involved, including temperature and moisture levels.
Brown sugar is most susceptible to spoilage when it’s exposed to heat and humidity, so it’s advised you keep it away from hot surfaces such as ovens and stoves.
If you live in a humid climate, you’re going to need to add a bit of extra care to your brown sugar in order to ensure it doesn’t go bad.
Just remember to check the expiration date every so often, and discard anything past its prime.
How can you tell if brown sugar has gone bad?
You’re likely to know right away if your brown sugar has gone bad, because it’ll start tasting bitter and/or sour.
If you’re unsure whether it’s spoiled, you can test it by pouring it into a bowl of cold water. If it sinks to the bottom, then it’s good to go.
Any that floats to the top means it’s spoiled.
Is it safe to eat expired brown sugar?
The short answer here is yes.
As long as the brown sugar hasn’t hardened too much, it’s perfectly safe to use.
In fact, you can even save some money by buying brown sugar that’s been sitting around for a while.
But if you’re worried about safety, you can always toss it out and look for something fresher.

What happens if you eat expired brown sugar?
Expired brown sugar is fine to consume, but it will likely cause digestive issues in some people.
Since brown sugar contains a lot of fructose, it can lead to bloating, gas, and diarrhea.
These symptoms usually disappear once the sugar is digested, but they can also linger for several days if you’re sensitive to fructose.
Can you use expired brown sugar?
It depends on how much you have left.
You can certainly make cake batter with it, but it will likely have a less desirable texture.
Try cooking with it, and see how you feel afterward.
If it seems okay, then you can try using it in cookies and other baked goods.
How do you store brown sugar to keep it fresh?
You can keep brown sugar in the refrigerator, where it will stay fresh for about three months.
Make sure to label the container carefully so you can easily identify what’s inside.
After that, you can transfer the brown sugar to a resealable plastic bag for long-term storage.
What is the best way to use up old brown sugar?
If you’ve got a ton of leftover brown sugar, you can make a variety of tasty treats with it.
Biscuits and muffins are great options for breakfast, while brownies and fudge are perfect dessert options.
Just make sure you read the ingredients list carefully before purchasing anything, though, to avoid any potential health risks.
What can you do with expired brown sugar?
Brown sugar is versatile enough that you can use it in a wide range of recipes.
You can combine it with coffee or tea for a sweet treat, or you can mix it with milk or cream for a delicious pancake topping.
You can even bake with it, if you’re careful.
What can you do with expired brown sugar?
Brown sugar is often used in baking recipes, but it can also be used for other purposes.
Expired brown sugar can be used to make a simple syrup, which can be used in cocktails or to sweeten coffee or tea.
It can also be used as a natural exfoliant, and can be added to homemade scrubs or masks.

Make Brown Sugar Ham in Slow Cooker
- Ham
- Brown sugar
- Butter
- Cloves
- Begin by removing the ham from the package and placing it in your slow cooker.
- If there is a large amount of fat on the ham, you may want to trim this off.
- Mix the brown sugar and butter until well combined in a small bowl.
- Rub this mixture over the entire surface of the ham.
- Next, add some water or broth to the bottom of the slow cooker to keep the ham moist and tender as it cooks.
- If desired, stud the ham with cloves for extra flavor.
- Cover the slow cooker with a lid and cook on low heat for 6-8 hours, or until the ham is cooked through.
- When the ham is finished cooking, remove it from the slow cooker and allow it to rest for 10 minutes before slicing and serving.
- Enjoy!
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