How Many Teaspoons Is A Clove Of Garlic?

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Creating my own recipes from scratch makes me **super happy** and I just **adore** cooking.

Sometimes I make mistakes regarding the quantities of ingredients in my recipes.

My confusion arises whenever I see the words “teaspoon” or “tablespoon” in a recipe.

For instance, garlic is called for in many recipes, but figuring out how many teaspoons are in a clove can be tricky.

It’s even more confusing if you need to be exact and don’t have the right measuring utensils around.

So, how many teaspoons is a clove of garlic?

A clove of garlic makes about one teaspoon of minced garlic or half a teaspoon of chopped garlic.

Still, the amount of teaspoons in a garlic clove depends on the size.

Raw garlic cloves can range from 0.5 to 8 grams.

Yet, the amount of garlic added to the food will depend on what you’re trying to accomplish, whether for flavor or health benefits.

This article helps you know how many teaspoons of garlic clove contains to make cooking easier.

Additionally, it offers some substitutes for cloves of garlic that you can use in your recipes.

Garlic Clove vs. Garlic Bulb

Garlic cloves and bulbs are Allium family members, including onions, shallots, and leeks.

However, they are not the same.

Garlic Cloves

Garlic cloves are small pieces of garlic that have been pressed into a form and made from the unopened flower buds of garlic.

They’re the individual cloves that form when a garlic head is harvested and used as a garnish or flavoring in dishes like soups, stews, and sauces. 

Typically, a clove is about two to three inches long and two to three millimeters wide.

The cloves are whole but may be cut or crushed before use. 

A clove of garlic is a staple in most kitchens, and for a good reason.

In addition to adding flavor to various dishes, it can also provide some health benefits.

For instance, it helps relieve hypertension.

Plus, there are hundreds of garlic-based recipes to try out, and it’s easy to find even more online.

A fresh clove has a light, mild flavor you can use in a variety of ways: raw (in salads), roasted (in soups or stews), or fermented (in bread).

Garlic Bulbs

Garlic bulbs are pieces of garlic with at least one intact clove attached to them.

They are the plant’s underground structure composed of many heads that grow from one main root.

Garlic bulbs can either be green or white.

How Many Cloves of Garlic Should You Use in a Recipe?

Most recipes will tell you to use one to 2 to 3 cloves of garlic.

However, be cautious when handling garlic cloves.

If a recipe calls for a certain number of cloves, don’t add more.

Many recipes call for just a few cloves of garlic.

For example, a dish like shrimp scampi will require more than one large clove per serving for maximum garlic flavor.

Others, like garlic mashed potatoes or roast chicken, may use up to a pound of fresh garlic.

The average person eats more than one tablespoon of pasta sauce per meal.

So, pasta sauce with a lot of garlic flavor may require less than one large clove per serving.

The number of teaspoons of garlic you need in a recipe depends on several factors, including the size and type of your cooking utensil.

Use the same measuring spoon for all ingredients, whether dry or liquid.

Also, measurements listed on boxes or containers may vary because they’re approximated.

The best measurement is a personal preference.

Since whole cloves are easier to remove, I prefer to use them instead.

Don’t worry, though.

While whole cloves take time to peel, they’re not as hard as you think.

Moreover, the final recipe is always tasty.

Suggestions for Number Cloves of Garlic to Use

Here are a few suggestions for how many garlic cloves you can use in a recipe.

  1. Add one to two garlic cloves for recipes that need a strong flavor.
  2. You can also add the cloves towards the end of cooking time for other types of recipes (like pasta or rice).
  3. Use 3 to 4 cloves in recipes that need an extra flavor boost. This will generally be sauces, soups, and stews.
  4. For simple garlic bread, use 2 to 3 large cloves of garlic.
  5. For a recipe that calls for minced garlic, use one tsp of minced garlic per lb. of meat or vegetable.
  6. For a recipe that calls for chopped garlic, use 1/4 tsp of chopped garlic per lb. of meat or vegetable.

The 5 Best Substitutes for Garlic Cloves in Recipes

While making a recipe, garlic is one of the most important ingredients.

Besides adding great flavor, it’s also packed with antioxidants and nutrients that can keep you healthy.

Adjust the measurement when substituting fresh garlic because the flavor intensity is different.

However, if you want to substitute garlic for another ingredient in your cooking arsenal, here are some options:

Minced Garlic 

Minced garlic is an excellent substitute for whole cloves of garlic.

It has a milder flavor than whole cloves, so it won’t overpower the dish you’re making (or the person who’s eating it).

Replace each clove with half a teaspoon of jarred minced garlic.

Garlic Flakes

Garlic Flakes are also known as dried or dehydrated minced garlic.

It’s a great option for those who don’t want their dishes to be too spicy or overwhelming-flavored.

They’ll add just enough flavor without taking over everything else.

Garlic flakes are typically used as an ingredient in soups or stews rather than on their own.

Just add them with spices like onion powder or dried herbs like thyme or rosemary before adding liquid ingredients like broth or water.

To replace each clove of garlic, use 1/2 teaspoon of garlic flakes.

Granulated Garlic

Granulated garlic is made from dehydrated crushed cloves of raw garlic that have been ground into a fine powder.

You can add to recipes that call for chopped or minced fresh or dried garlic.

Replace each clove of garlic with a quarter teaspoon of granulated garlic.

Garlic Powder

Garlic powder is just ground-up alliums.

However, it has a slightly different taste than fresh cloves have. 

This ingredient contains less oil, making it less potent than fresh or cooked cloves.

Yet, it still gives your dish the same level of flavor.

Substitute each clove with an eighth of a teaspoon of garlic powder.

Garlic Salt

Like granulated garlic, garlic salt is also ground up alliums, but with one key difference: here, salt adds flavor instead of oil, which makes it more potent. 

For each clove, substitute with a half teaspoon of garlic salt.

Reduce the salt levels in your recipe accordingly.

This is because this garlic will add 3/8 teaspoon salt to your recipe.

Is Garlic Prone to Spoilage?

Garlic thrives in an environment with high temperatures and humidity.

However, like any other food, garlic can spoil, especially when stored improperly.

How quickly it will spoil depends on various factors.

These include:

  • Temperature
  • Humidity
  • Length of time you’ve stored them
  • Type of storage container used

If you’re wondering how long your garlic will last, there are two easy ways to tell:

  1. Look out for a gray coloration caused by cellulose oxidation. It may also have small cracks on the surface, but these usually cause little harm.
  2. The garlic clove or head should be white and have no dark spots when viewed under a bright light.
  3. Alternatively, if you squeeze the head or clove gently, it should give no resistance. If it does, that garlic is not safe to use.

Pick whole cloves with garlic skin on them as they contain some sulfur compounds.

These compounds are natural antibacterial agents to help keep your kitchen smelling fresh.

A Guide to Storing Garlic Cloves

Garlic is one of the most versatile and delicious ingredients to keep on hand.

However, when garlic loses its pungency, it’s time to make some adjustments.

Here’s how you can keep your garlic cloves fresh for longer than a week.

Store garlic away from light and moisture to preserve its nutrients and flavor.

Garlic is best stored in a brown paper bag or mesh, which helps reduce its humidity levels.

While using cardboard boxes, line the inside with plastic wrap, so the garlic stays dry.

When unpeeled, cloves keep in the refrigerator for up to 10 days; tightly wrapped cloves last for up to 2 days.

Keep unopened garlic heads longer than that without any problem.

Just place them in your freezer bag, and they’ll stay fresh for up to 12 months.

FAQs About Cloves of Garlic

What is the equivalent amount of dried minced garlic to one clove?

A single, medium fresh clove equals one-eighth of a teaspoon of dried garlic.

You can use dried minced garlic in stews and soups.

How do you describe a garlic clove?

Garlic cloves are small, white segments within the garlic head.

On the other hand, garlic is an aromatic bulb with a pungent taste used in culinary cuisine and herbal medicine.

The garlic bulb has a similar shape to an onion.  

How much chopped garlic is equal to minced garlic?

You can substitute each fresh garlic clove with 1/2 teaspoon jarred minced garlic.

However, since fresh garlic is different from dried garlic, you will need to adjust the measurements.

Final Word

Garlic clove is a useful ingredient since it adds flavor to various recipes.

Plus, it contains health benefits to extend your life and ward off sicknesses.

However, you’ll need to know how many teaspoons are in one clove to determine how much garlic is needed in your recipe.

Hopefully, you’ve learned one or more of the answers to your garlic-related questions.

Whether you’re looking to cook with it or take advantage of its health benefits, garlic can be an essential ingredient in your kitchen.

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